If a number, n, is passed as a constraint instead of a string, it is assumed to be equivalent to "npx". There is no hard limit on maximum window size, just as with regular Mudlet windows. A 100% width subwindow with an x-coordinate of 10 will have part of itself displayed outside the confines of its container. Percentages for width and height are in terms of the container's dimensions and negative values are converted to the equivalent positive value. A negative number indicates distance from a container's right or bottom border depending on whether is a constraint for x/width or y/height, respectively. x or y) or a value for the width or height. For example, "10px" means 10 pixels, either pixels from the origin (e.g. Geyser position constraints are a string composed of a number and a format type.
You can find good, freely-available assets for your UI here: Fortunately, most of the overhead is during window creation and resize events - not things that happen frequently. However, there is always some overhead for automation systems and Geyser is no exception.
With clever construction and labels with callbacks, this lets one make complex GUI elements that are minimizable or maximizable or.
Due to the container hierarchy, hiding a container window automatically hides all its contained windows too. Nonetheless, it's very easy to shift the container that a window is in, maintaining its constraints so that it resizes as needed according to the dimensions of the new container. Once you create a window and assign it to a container, you never have to worry about positioning it again. All windows under Geyser control are automatically resized as necessary when the main Mudlet window is resized. See examples below and the demos/tests that come with Geyser. For instance, a window could be constrained to have a height of 50% of its container and a width such that the window's right edge is always 20 characters from its container's right edge. However, window positions can also take on percentages and negative pixel and character values. All window positions are specified relative to their container - nothing new there. The biggest difference is in how positions are specified. Geyser is based on traditional GUI concepts and should feel similar to using Java's Swing. To help with complex window management, Geyser steps in. Mudlet provides a nice signal when window resize events happen. Mudlet makes the creation of label, miniconsoles and gauges a quick and easy thing. The Geyser Layout Manager is an object oriented framework for creating, updating and organizing GUI elements within Mudlet - it allows you to make your UI easier on Mudlet, and makes it easier for the UI to be compatible with different screen sizes. 4.3 Create a Window with a resize label. 4.1.11 Resize the compass into a square. 4.1.4 Create a global table or namespace. 2.9.12 Attach your Adjustable Container to a Border. 2.9.11 Change Adjustable Container Style. 2.9.9 Create a Custom Menu with Custom Items. 2.9.7 Custom Save/Load Directories and Slots. 2.8.4 Create an extra command line in Mudlet. 2.8.2 Bind action to your command line input. 2.7.4 Styling the UserWindow border and title area. 2.7.3 Disable/enable UserWindow autoDock. 2.4.9 Set an action to your miniconsole command line. 2.4.8 Enable and use your miniconsole command line. 2.4.7 Change your miniconsole background image. 2.3.8 Resetting the style with a string. 2.3.6 Getting a table of properties and their values. Add right click menu to label with already existing left click action. Set onClick action for your menu item.
2.2.18 Inserting extra spaces and newlines.2.2.15 Adding a hover effect to a label.2.2.13 Aligning text/images inside a label.2.2.12 Avoid stylesheet inheritance by tooltip.2.1.3 Aligning relative to bottom or right sides.